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What Happens to Wine During an Eclipse?

Happy Solar Eclipse Day! If you live in the United States you will be treated to solar eclipse today. There are a lot of superstitions around eclipses. Pregnant women are supposed to stay indoors, flowers planted during an eclipse will bloom more vibrantly, and food can become poisonous just to name a few. On its own, wine has a few superstitions. Some believe that spilling wine accidentally is an omen of impending disaster. However, spilling wine on purpose can be lucky. During a toast, it is bad luck to avoid eye contact. My favorite is that a lady should never drink the last drops of a bottle of wine. The unlucky lady could be doomed to remain single for the rest of her life. With all this superstition flying around, what happens to wine during an eclipse. The short answer is I don't know. But I have plenty of theories! Being close to the path of totality, I intend to test them. I intend to test whether an eclipse can turn a glass full of corks into wine, turn white wine into red wine, turn white wine into gold, and finally turn an ordinary wine glass into the Holy Grail. I will analyze the data and report my findings.

In the meantime, happy eclipsing and remember not to look directly at sun. Not only can that damage your vision but I have heard it turns your eyelashes into yarn, but that may just be a superstition.

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